New Texts added in the TLG Thesaurus Linguae Graecae

More than 70 texts have been recently to the TLG. These new additions include authors like Blemmydes, Gregoras, Chrysoloras, Barlaam, Photius, or Symeon of Thessaloniki.

0651 ANTONINUS LIBERALIS Myth. (2 works) 0733 CASSIUS Iatrosophista Med. (1 work) 1375 EVANGELIUM THOMAE Apocryph. et Evangel. (1 work) 1451 JOSEPHUS ET ASENETH Hagiogr., Pseudepigr. et Narr. Fict. (1 work) 2598 PROCOPIUS Scr. Eccl. et Rhet. (1 work) 2819 LEONTIUS Theol. (2 works) 2938 GERMANUS II Scr. Eccl. (3 works) 3019 CHRISTOPHORUS Mytilenaeus Poeta (1 work) 3054 JOANNES IV (vel V) Oxeïtes Scr. Eccl. (2 works) 3092 Nicephorus BLEMMYDES Phil. et Theol. (1 work) 3099 Nicetas STETHATUS Theol. et Hagiogr. (2 works) 3142 Georgius PACHYMERES Hist., Philol. et Scr. Eccl. (4 works) 3159 BARLAAM Calabrius Epist., Theol. et Math. (2 works) 3169 Joannes VI CANTACUZENUS (1 work) 3191 Theodorus METOCHITES Polyhist. et Phil. (1 work) 3197 Demetrius CYDONES Philol., Theol. et Transl. (6 works) 3202 Georgius GEMISTUS Phil. (1 work) 3205 THEODORUS II DUCAS LASCARIS Theol. et Rhet. (1 work) 3230 Manuel CALECAS Epist., Philol. et Theol. (1 work) 3232 SYMEON THESSALONICENSIS Scr. Eccl. (2 works) 3248 Joannes CYPARISSIOTES Theol. (1 work) 3254 Gregorius PALAMAS Theol. et Scr. Eccl. (4 works) 3348 Manuel CHRYSOLORAS Gramm. (1 work) 3349 DOROTHEUS Mytilenaeus Theol. (1 work) 4040 PHOTIUS Theol., Scr. Eccl. et Lexicogr. (1 work) 4145 Nicephorus GREGORAS Hist. et Scr. Rerum Nat. (4 works) 4146 Maximus PLANUDES Polyhist. et Theol. (1 work) 4187 LEO MAGENTINUS Phil. (1 work) 4311 ETYMOLOGICUM SYMEONIS Lexicogr. (1 work) 4398 Marinus PHALIERUS Poeta (3 works) 4402 THEOCTISTUS STUDITES Hagiogr. et Hymnograph. (1 work) 4432 Joannes PICATORUS Poeta (1 work) 4433 Callistus ANGELICUDES Theol. (2 works) 4435 Manuel MELIGALAS Epist. (1 work) 5500 GEORGIUS CHORTATZES Trag. vel Comic. (1 work) 5504 PULOLOGUS Narr. Fict. et Satyr. (1 work) 5505 Georgius CHUMNUS Poeta (1 work) 9041 Demetrius PEPAGOMENUS Med. (2 works)

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