Online study: Refashioning Byzantium in Venice, ca. 1200–1400

Byzantine Venice
From the volume published in 2010 at Dumbarton Oaks, San Marco, Byzantium, and the Myths of Venice, Edited by Henry Maguire and Robert S. Nelson:
"The papers in this volume were originally presented, in a different form, in the colloquium “From Enrico to Andrea Dandolo: Imitation, Appropriation, and Meaning at San Marco in Venice,” jointly sponsored by Dumbarton Oaks and Johns Hopkins University, held in Baltimore in May 2007. The participants discussed the decoration of San Marco as an assemblage of mosaics, sculptures, and reliquaries, of which some were Venetian productions, but others were spolia or imitation spolia. The speakers addressed the diverse styles of these works, whether Late Roman, Early Christian, Byzantine, Islamic, or Gothic, and explored their sources, meanings, and significance, both individually and as an ensemble. These essays have been generated from those papers and the fruitful dialogues that took place subsequently between the speakers and the audience and among the speakers themselves."

Click here to read the article and the introduction of the book


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