New Issues of Byzantine Studies Journals

Byzantinische Zeitschrift, August 2011

  • Die Argumentation des Patriarchen Gregorios II. Kyprios zur Widerlegung des Filioque-Ansatzes in der Schrift. De processione Spiritus sancti, Theodoros Alexopoulos

  • Leo III and the Anemodoulion, Benjamin Anderson

  • A Poem of Philes to Makarios Chrysokephalos? The Case of Poem Florentinus 58, Marina Bazzani

  • Procopius De aedificiis 4.2.1–22 on the Thermopylae Frontier, William J. Cherf

  • Theophanes Continuatus VI and De Cerimoniis, Jeffrey Michael Featherstone

  • The Term Kandaulos/Kandylos in the Lexicon of Photius and the Commentarii ad Homeri Iliadem of Eustathius of Thessalonica, Maciej Kokoszko, Katarzyna Gibel-Buszewska

  • A Rhetorical Declamation of Sophonias the Monk and Paraphrast, Denis M. Searby, Ambjörn Sjörs

  • Ein Griechischer Doppelvers Sulān Walads Neu Gelesen, Dimitri Theodoridis

You can read these articles if you sign up (for free) for the summer offer of De Gruyter. Click here for more info.

Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies, September 2011
  • Butrint in the mid-Byzantine period: a new interpretation, Kamani, Solinda (abstract)

  • Exchanging logoi for aloga: cultural capital and material capital in a letter of Michael Psellos, Bernard, Floris (abstract)

  • Multilingual literacy at the Lusignan court: the Cypriot royal chancery and its Byzantine heritage, Beihammer, Alexander (abstract)

  • Of frogs and hangmen: the production and reception of the Corona Preciosa, Lauxtermann, Marc D (abstract)

  • From Patmos to Venice: two Greek translations of Paolo Segneri's works and their long journey to publication, Tsakiris, Vasileios (abstract)

  • Consequences of allegory: a case study of Vizyenos' Platonic imagery, Kalligas, Pavlos

  • 'Common women' or 'women of free morals': the suppression of prostitution in post-war Thessaloniki (1945-1955), Dordanas, Stratos N.

Read also about Parekbolai, the online journal of Byzantine literature.


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