New Byzantine texts added to the Thesaurus Linguae Graecae Project

New Byzantine texts have been added on Thesaurus Linguae Graecae platform. Here is the list:

0082 APOLLONIUS DYSCOLUS Gramm. (2 works)
2042 ORIGENES Theol. (1 work)
2873 EUSTRATIUS Presbyter Scr. Eccl. (1 work)
2921 THEODORUS Spudaeus Scr. Eccl. (1 work)
2938 GERMANUS II Scr. Eccl. (2 works)
2944 LEO VI SAPIENS Imperator Phil., Scr. Eccl. et Poeta (1 work)
3077 MICHAEL I CERULARIUS Scr. Eccl. et Theol. (1 work)
3079 Michael ATTALIATES Hist. (1 work)
3092 Nicephorus BLEMMYDES Phil. et Theol. (4 works)
3169 Joannes VI CANTACUZENUS (2 works)
3191 Theodorus METOCHITES Phil. et Polyhist. (2 works)
3197 Demetrius CYDONES Theol., Transl. et Philol. (1 work)
3213 Prochorus CYDONES Theol. et Transl. (1 work)
3217 Nilus CABASILAS Theol. (2 works)
3248 Joannes CYPARISSIOTES Theol. (1 work)
3257 David DISHYPATUS Theol. (1 work)
3345 CALLISTUS I Patriarcha Scr. Eccl. et Orat. (3 works)
3346 Andreas CHRYSOBERGES Theol. (1 work)
4146 Maximus PLANUDES Polyhist. et Theol. (1 work)
4286 LEXICA SYNTACTICA Lexicogr. (1 work)
4288 LEXICON $AI(MWDEI=N& Lexicogr. (1 work)
4427 MARCUS Monachus Theol. (6 works)
4428 Neophytus PRODROMENUS Lexicogr., Theol. et Phil. (4 works)
4430 JACOBUS Monachus Theol. et Epist. (2 works)
4431 Georgius PELAGONIUS Theol. et Phil. (2 works)
5004 EPIMERISMI Gramm. et Schol. (1 work)

Via TLG website


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